Smile Makeover!!
This Beautiful doctor wasn’t happy with her over retained baby teeth and 3 front teeth stuck behind! Lots of parents these days are alarmed even if 1 gets stuck behind! We could however do justice to her beauty and give her a smile she so deserved! With state of the art laser and prosthetic work. The larger pictures with bigger smiles reflect her joy at the end of treatment!...Inspired yet again!!!
Thrilled to bits to host Invisalign President and CEO Joseph Hogan, Asia Pacific Vice President Julie Tay and Asia Pacific Manager Casline Chu at our Fort practice . Touched by their humility and inspired by their passion for work and their faith in our abilities and potential. Proud to be a leader to offer the best in this cutting-edge technology to our people!!! Fort Dental ClinicCrooked teeth can not only be unsightly, but also cause speech disturbance
Crooked teeth can not only mess up a pretty face but also lead to speech issues and difficulty in cleaning teeth. Orthodontics involving extraction of premolars and treatment with fixed braces can help. Here’s how. This pretty girl was deeply concerned about her looks because of the crooked teeth. We had a need to extract 3 premolars and 1 lower incisor to solve her problem. Braces did...Gaps in Teeth
Gaps in front teeth along with forwardness can not only be unsightly, but also cause speech disturbance. This young navy cadet was deeply concerned about his looks and a perceptible lisp in speech. We utilized the existing gaps in his teeth to push his teeth back Braces did wonders to his teeth, and also his self-confidence. And that’s how we ended with his treatment…. ...Missing Incissor
Front teeth when excessively forwards are prone to trauma and at times, complete loss. This medical student and an aspiring Doc lived through his teens with a removable flipper to hide the missing tooth. Severe forwardness of teeth required correction with removal of 3 premolars. The second incisor was brought in place of the first the canine was brought in place of the second incisor ...Narrow Upper Jaw Problem
Upper teeth can be crowded and crooked due to a small upper jaw size. But a small upper jaw can adversely impact even the lower teeth and make them crooked too. Early detection and resolution is the key.. Here’s how Leads to crowding of teeth due to lack of space What is a narrow upper jaw? An ideal arch form is U shaped as the lines show...Braces Treatment
We use radiographs and analyse them to compare how our treatment has made a difference to your face!!! Here’s an example!! Watch how the teeth have been pulled back and the lips are now in harmony with the Esthetic Line Fort Dental ClinicOver Retained Milk Teeth
Milk teeth can create alignment problems of permanent teeth if they don’t fall on time, heres how and what can be done!! Milk teeth fall when the permanent teeth below are due to emerge but sometimes they don’t!! Milk teeth that don’t fall of , occupy the space of permanent teeth. Leading to unwanted crowding!!! Orthodontic treatment helps to resolve such crowding For lifelong corrections ...Small Jaws in Adults
Surgical correction of a small jaw makes a world of a difference for this globe trotting professional! Small lower jaws make the upper teeth appear more forwards than they are. They can cause snoring too! In severe cases, the lower jaw can be resized with surgery Surgery results in dramatic changes Not only does the smile improve manifold… The chewing ability improves significantly too!! ...Stuck up Canines
A highly motivated student decided to get his impacted canine (a canine stuck inside the jawbone) treated with Orthodontics..the journey was long but the destination was beautiful!!! Impossible is nothing!!! Canines being the last upper teeth to erupt lose their way sometimes… They can cause facial asymmetry and an unbalanced smile… The missing Canine An orthodontist can help, to get the canine back into its rightful...
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