Laser Dental Treatment in Mumbai

Sol Denmat soft tissue diode lasers are dental tools designed to enhance the precision, efficiency & effectiveness of soft tissue surgeries. These lasers are used for procedures involving impacted/submerged teeth, gum contouring (Gingivectomy/Gingivoplasty), ulcer/wound healing, and frenectomy (In High labial frenum cases).

Laser Gingivectomy

Advantages Over Traditional Surgical Methods

It offers a highly efficient, safe and comfortable alternative to traditional surgical methods. It doesn’t require the use of any scalpels. The surgical procedure is free of blood which provides better access to the surgical site as well as it’s painless as compared to the traditional surgical methods.

Hence, One of the important features of these lasers is that they can provide a near-sterile field of operation.

Precision and Aesthetics

The laser energy not only debrides the tissue with great precision but also simultaneously cauterizes the area, reducing the risk of various infections. This is vital for quicker & better healing and overall results.

It also minimizes the need for sutures in many cases, the laser also promotes faster recovery/healing times and minimizes post-operative discomfort/pain for patients.

The diode lasers had focused energy which enables the debridement/ cutting with precision.

Benefits in Dental Procedures

For procedures like gum contouring (gingivectomy or frenectomy)

With the help of lasers, we can achieve aesthetically pleasing outcomes with less disruption to the delicate structures.

This makes the laser especially effective for both functional and aesthetic treatments.

In procedures involving impacted teeth, the soft tissue diode laser helps by gently removing excess tissue or shaping the gums, which allows for easier access to the tooth without the need for invasive surgical methods.

Laser minimizes the trauma to the tissue and enhances the body’s natural healing processes, leading to faster healing with less swelling , pain and discomfort.

For ulcer healing, the laser can promote tissue regeneration, regrowth and provide immediate relief by reducing pain and inflammation. This is particularly effective for patients suffering from recurrent or painful oral ulcers.

Enhanced Patient Comfort

Additionally, soft tissue diode lasers reduce the need for local anaesthetics in a lot of cases, as the laser’s precision and gentle tissue interaction cause minimal discomfort & pain. This means that patients experience minimal pain both during and after the procedure, making it an ideal choice for patients who are especially anxious or have a severe low pain tolerance.

Overall, Sol Denmat soft tissue diode lasers represent a leap forward in dental surgery, offering a mix of precision, speed, and patient comfort that enhances the treatment experience and improves surgical outcomes and treatment duration.

Fort Dental Clinic

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    Laser Cosmetic Dentistry in Fort, Mumbai

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    (91) (22) 2261 8444