Diamond – Invisalign Provider 2024, India

Invisalign at affordable cost in Mumbai, India
Invisalign is the latest and the best alternative to braces. If one has been resisting orthodontic treatment due to thought of braces being cumbersome, this is a proven and tested alternative. Dr. Arun has been certified in the first diet of Invisalign providers in 2015 and hence has been among the foremost provider of Invisalign in India. He is currently Diamond tier Invisalign provider.
What is Invisalign?
Are you wondering how to get a PERFECT SMILE that you can be happy with? You have a gap in teeth and wondering how to fix it? You have crooked teeth? You should consider teeth straightening options. Traditional dental braces are an option. But here, we are talking about the revolutionary treatment called Invisalign. Dr Arun Nayak is India’s foremost Invisalign Orthodontist.
Invisaligners or Invisalign Braces (both misnomers) are their popular names. They are a series of clear aligners made of flexible plastic with Invisalign 3D printing. They are FDA-approved and contain no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten. They are very thin and clear. They fit like a glove over your teeth and are an alternative to invisible braces. Your family and friends will not even notice you’re wearing them. Trimmed according to your gum line for best comfort. with a very slight Invisalign gap between tray and gum.
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